NHS Innovation Accelerator opens for applications
Obesity treatment and the rise of the GLP-1 agonist
Co-founder and CEO of @StartCodon Jason Mellad on helping healthcare start-ups thrive and why inclusion and diversity will change the world.
Interactive Investor founder Sherry Coutu: entrepreneurship, climbing mountains and why Sunak’s maths plans don’t quite add up
Cambridge chip champions help Government steer future of UK semiconductor sector
How New Technology Is Helping in the Battle Against Fish Bones
AI-powered hyperspectral imaging to alleviate surgical complications
Precision robots revolutionising human healthcare
London-based IQ Capital raises $400 million to invest in deep tech
Winners of the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards 2023 revealed
World wowed by inaugural Cambridge Tech Week
A New Approach to Reducing Food Waste – And Production Costs
Packaging has a key role to play in the drive to cut food waste and reduce production costs, as a good seal is crucial to help food products stay fresh for as long as possible. If a salad leaf gets caught up in the seal and is left sticking out of a packaged pasta salad, for example, it will breach the airtight seal and allow in oxygen – which will make the product spoil faster and lead to wastage, loss of revenue, and customer complaints.